Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Writing Project Conference

I'm definitely excited about the CSU Writing Project conference in January; I think it will be a lot of fun. I'm planning to set up in a computer lab and help teachers create their own class blogs. I'll be offering two sessions, one designed to help beginners to get online and create a blog, the other for teachers who are ready to explore the infinite possibilities of class blogs.

Here is a quick description of each session. Hope to see you January 26th at CSU.

Beginning Blogging

Learn fast and easy ways to bring your classroom into the twenty-first century through class web log discussions. Participate in a real-time web log discussion and learn how to protect yourself and your students while taking advantage of the opportunities for critical thinking discussion that the World Wide Web offers. Walk out of the session with a published web log ready for class on Monday.

Advanced Blogging

Take your class web log to the next level. Learn advanced techniques for facilitating critical thinking discussions online. Discover ways to expand your classroom beyond the four walls of your room; connect your class discussions from class to class, grade to grade, and even connect to classrooms on the other side of the world.